
Agilent 6490A Triple Quad LCMS with Agilent 1260 1290

Original price was: $145,000.00.Current price is: $95,000.00.

This is a unique Agilent 6490A Triple Quad LCMS system including 1260/1290 HPLC stack. The system has very little use and was properly maintained before it was decommissioned. The recent turning reports are available dated April 2023.

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This is a unique Agilent 6490A Triple Quad LCMS system including  HPLC stack. The system has very little use and was properly maintained before it was decommissioned. The recent turning reports are available dated April 2023.

The system includes the following:

– Agilent 6490A Triple Quad MS

– G1316C TCC

– G1329B 1260 ALS

– G1330B 1290

– G1314C VWD SL 1200

– G4220B 1290 BIN SL

– G4225A 1260 HiP degasser

– 2X Agilent MS40+ pumps

– PC, monitor, keyboard and mouse

– All gas connections including pressure regulators

This system is available for worldwide shipping, for quotes to countries other than the US and Canada; please contact us.

Parameter Measure Specification
Electrospray ESI+ MS/MS sensitivity 1 pg of reserpine on the transition m/z 609

to 195

Signal-to-noise ratio > 60,000:1
Electrospray ESI- MS/MS sensitivity 1 pg of chloramphenicol on the transition

m/z 321 to 152

Signal-to-noise ratio > 50,000:1
Mass Range (m/z) 5-1400 amu
Polarity switching Switch from positive ion mode

to negative ion mode in 20 ms

Mass resolution 0.4 amu
Mass accuracy 0.01% or 0.1 Da
Mass stability < 0.1 u in 48 h
Dynamic range > 6.0 × 106
Scan rate 12,500 Da/s
Scan modes MS scan, MS/MS product ion scan, MRM, MS/MS neutral loss/gain scan and precursor

ion scan, SIM, tMRM

Minimum   MRM                dwell time 1 ms
MRM transitions 500 per second, >40,000 MRMs possible in a method
Collision cell High-pressure, hexapole with

linear acceleration collision cell

Cross-talk None detectable
Single point of control Single-point data system method capability with full control of Agilent 1200 Series HPLC systems and 6490A Triple Quadrupole LC/MS System
Time Programming
  • Polarity change in time segment
  • Continuous polarity change during entire method
  • Scan and SIM or MRM (plus other modes of data collection)
  • Dynamic MRM aligns MRMs with compound retention time
  • Solvent divert through calibrant delivery valve


Wide range of ionizations sources
  • Electrospray (ESI)
  • Multimode source (simultaneous ESI and APCI)
  • Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI)
  • Nanospray with HPLC-Chip Cube MS interface
Autotune Automated optimization of ion optics and mass axis calibration with Agilent Jet stream Ion focusing technology
Solvent declustering Agilent Jet Stream Ion Focusing Technology and Countercurrent gas
Detector High-energy conversion dynode and high-gain electron multiplier horn
Vacuum system Two turbomolecular pumps with two mechanical pump

Additional information

Weight 200 kg
Dimensions 40 × 40 × 22 cm


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