Branson Sonifier 450 Disruptor Sonicator Homogenizer Ultrasonic Processor
This is a pre-owned Branson Sonifier 450 Cell Disruptor Sonicator Homogenizer in excellent condition. The instrument includes the sound enclosure with the 102C horn and probe.
1 in stock
This is a pre-owned Branson Sonifier 450 Cell Disruptor Sonicator Homogenizer in excellent condition. The instrument includes the sound enclosure with the 102C horn and probe.
The Sonifier 450 is designed to bring the industry’s most advanced sample-processing capabilities to your laboratory. Geared toward low-volume samples ranging from 0.2 to 150 mL, the Sonifier 450 delivers up to 450 watts of power at 20 Khz. The sound enclosure is enough to operate on a lab bench without disruption.
• Specify the time duration of the experiment
• Adjust the amplitude setting between 10% and 100% of maximum amplitude
The user’s guide is included.
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